What is your most memorable wedding?
A beautiful outdoor wedding in a vineyard near a lake
Describe your style in 5 adjectives.
Artisan,natural, relaxed, eco friendly,stylish.b
What about your business are you most proud of?
I have always loved working with flowers and after a career in the creative industry I can now work with flowers full time.
What is your No. 1 wedding planning tip for couples?
Have a theme that’s is unique to you and then personalise with your favourite colours and flowers.
What is your favourite personal touch you have seen at a wedding?
Travel is always a great one but think about something you love to do, maybe a favourite pastime and how that can shared with friends and family.Having tables named with favourite memories is always a success.
Describe your typical process with a couple.
Let’s get together and let’s talk weddings. I love to hear all about the planning and how the flowers will work with your ideas. FaceTime currently is best and we can work through ideas for colours, venue and theme.
What is the most interesting thing you have put in a bouquet?
A flower that has significance for the couple or a close family member.
Is there a flower that has specific symbolism that you would recommend for couples?
I always suggest to the couple if they have a flower that is special to them
What is the most romantic flower and why?
I love peonies as they look amazing in a wedding bouquet for an early summer wedding or dahlias for late summer.
What should you do with the flowers after the wedding?
Agree this together as there may be some flowers that could be shared amongst close family.Bouquets can be dried.