Wedding Florists in Cheshire

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How do wedding florists in Cheshire source your flowers, and do they have any relationships with local growers?

Wedding florists in Cheshire source their flowers from various locations, including local growers, international suppliers, and wholesalers, to ensure the freshest and highest quality blooms. They often establish relationships with local growers to support sustainable and ethical practices.

Do wedding florists in Cheshire provide any additional services, such as lighting or draping?

Some wedding florists in Cheshire may offer additional services, such as lighting and draping, to complement their floral designs and create a cohesive look and feel for the wedding.

Are there any restrictions on where or when you wedding florists in Cheshire deliver and set up the floral arrangements?

There may be some restrictions on where or when wedding florists in Cheshire can deliver and set up the floral arrangements, such as venues with strict access times or locations that are difficult to reach.

Will wedding florists in Cheshire have a portfolio of your past wedding work that we can view?

Wedding florists in Cheshire often have a portfolio of their past wedding work that clients can view to get an idea of their style and expertise. This can be helpful in choosing a florist who can create the desired aesthetic for the wedding.

Can wedding florists in Cheshire assist us in choosing the perfect flowers to match our wedding theme and colour scheme?

Yes, wedding florists in Cheshire can assist in choosing the perfect flowers to match the wedding theme and colour scheme. They can suggest flowers that would work best based on the season, availability and budget.

Can wedding florists in Cheshire provide any guidance on how to preserve the wedding flowers after the event is over?

Yes, wedding florists in Cheshire can provide guidance on how to preserve wedding flowers after the event is over. They can advise on the best ways to dry and store the flowers to keep them looking fresh for longer.